Project Description

CollaboratiVET project aims to address the challenges in vocational education and training (VET) by introducing the flipped approach and its four pillars, which are Flexible Environment, Learning Culture, International Content, and Professional Educator, which has been successfully applied in other fields of education. By integrating this innovative approach, the consortium aims to increase the attractiveness of VET education and reduce the number of dropouts. This will be achieved by preparing VET educators to be confident and capable with 21st century skills, fostering innovation and attractiveness of VET education, and enhancing the skills of VET students to meet the labour market requirements.

Objectives of the project

The following Objectives (O) are being addressed in the project:
O1: Identify the needed skills to establish a collaboration practice through the use of Flipped Approach in VET
O2: Educate VET educators on how to implement the Flipped Approach in their own classrooms.
O3: Provide VET educators with the latest technology collaborative tools
O4: Raising awareness and fostering the European VET institutions with a new learning method, characterised by a student-centred approach and active learning