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So far has created 136 blog entries.

Press release about Good Practice Guide


New tools to facilitate training of mediators The EU project IncludeMe has developed materials to train mediators for European countries. At the end of the project in October, the team was able to present a MOOC, a Good Practice Guide and an Innovative Course for Trainers.  A mediator is a person who has been trained to provide support on issues such as immigration law, family reunification, government services and labour market integration. Mediators are already used in several places across Europe and have proven to be a successful way of working with new arrivals. You can find mediators in, for example, [...]

Press release about Good Practice Guide2023-01-08T09:57:09+00:00

Press release about MOOC


New tools to facilitate training of mediators – a Massive Open Online Course The EU project IncludeMe has developed materials to train mediators for European countries. At the end of the project in October, the team was able to present a MOOC, a Good Practice Guide and an Innovative Course for Trainers.  A mediator is a person who has been trained to provide support on issues such as immigration law, family reunification, government services and labour market integration. Mediators are already used in several places across Europe and have proven to be a successful way of working with new arrivals. You [...]

Press release about MOOC2023-01-08T09:57:10+00:00

Press release about OERs


New tools to facilitate training of mediators – Open Education Resources The EU project IncludeMe has developed materials to train mediators for European countries. At the end of the project in October, the team was able to present a MOOC, a Good Practice Guide and an Innovative Course for Trainers.  A mediator is a person who has been trained to provide support on issues such as immigration law, family reunification, government services and labour market integration. Mediators are already used in several places across Europe and have proven to be a successful way of working with new arrivals. You can find [...]

Press release about OERs2023-01-08T09:57:10+00:00

Module 6 EE


The post Module 6 EE appeared first on INACT.

Module 6 EE2022-12-01T12:57:07+00:00

Module 5 EE


The post Module 5 EE appeared first on INACT.

Module 5 EE2022-12-01T12:57:08+00:00

Module 4 EE


The post Module 4 EE appeared first on INACT.

Module 4 EE2022-12-01T11:56:02+00:00

Module 3 EE


The post Module 3 EE appeared first on INACT.

Module 3 EE2022-12-01T11:56:03+00:00

Moodul 1 EE


The post Moodul 1 EE appeared first on INACT.

Moodul 1 EE2022-12-01T10:59:15+00:00

The German National Showcase on Food of the Future


The German National Showcase for Pioneering Innovative Food for Seniors (PIFS) took place at Hafenkäserei, a local factory producing biological cheese in Münster, on the 5th of October 2022 between 17 and 21 o’clock as a half-day event. The event attracted 20 regional and local participants, including representatives from local small-and-medium-sized enterprises, vocational educational trainers (VETs) (e.g., food hubs, incubators, nutritionists), and policymakers. The event began by presenting an overview and achievements of the PIFS project to deepen attendees’ understanding of the significance of developing innovative food products and services for seniors in the ageing economy. An opening speech was given [...]

The German National Showcase on Food of the Future2022-11-17T09:56:26+00:00
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