

More About Detour


DETOUR empowers tourism destinations to develop and embed wellbeing philosophy and capitalise on the tourism and economic benefits which follow such as increased consumer spending, additional employment opportunities and contributions to GDP. It will upskill VET educators and Tourism SME’s about the potential of wellbeing tourism as an emerging European Tourism Megatrend which can increase their competitiveness, inspire new wellbeing tourism products/services and develop even stronger unique value propositions. (VisitBritain, 2014, World Travel and Tourism Council, 2014, Deloitte, 2013). It is clear that wellbeing tourism is an expanding niche market globally, providing specific business opportunities through products that promote or maintain [...]

More About Detour2021-04-08T19:21:56+00:00

More about LIME


Although SMEs are referred to as the backbone of Europe’s economy, it is really micro enterprises (with less than 10 employees) that sustain employment and have most growth potential: 9 out of 10 SMEs are micro-enterprises, they employee one third of the workforce and produce more than 40% of economic value added (EC, Annual Report on European SMEs 2018). With innovation at the forefront of the drive for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, it follows that innovation support and training should be focussed on the micro sector. However, innovation policy and practice -at EU and national level- is still dominated by [...]

More about LIME2021-04-08T19:21:26+00:00

How is DSI helping?


Using the power of technologies like open hardware, online marketplaces and digital fabrication, can empower people to take more control over their responsibility to preserve the planet for future generations. Here are just a few of the initiatives: Making Sense: Giving citizens the power to monitor their environment (pan-EU) Making Sense is an EU-funded project which uses the Smart Citizen Kit, an open-source Arduino-based environmental sensing kit, and other citizen sensing kits to empower communities and help them improve their environments. Making Sense is running nine pilots in three European cities to measure things like noise pollution, gamma radiation and air [...]

How is DSI helping?2021-04-08T19:22:01+00:00

10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship


Despite substantial hardships, refugees are pushing the limits of what most people recognize as the general entrepreneur spirit. There is a resilience among refugee communities that enables them to thrive, not just to survive, and to be creative members of society. And why shouldn’t they? Before anything else, refugees are people – fathers, mothers, sons, daughter, brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends – people who are not waiting for humanitarian agencies to create opportunities, but who want to create their own. In reality, refugees create employment opportunities for themselves and in some instances for their host country nationals as well. Here are [...]

10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship2021-04-08T19:22:04+00:00

Meet the Team


We are a partnership from varying sectors from all over Europe, Our lead partner is based in Germany – Münster University of Applied Sciences (MUAS). MUAS employs a multidisciplinary approach, preparing its members for life in the global market and ensuring an in depth understanding of the ever changing world of work. Our second partner comes from the UK, University of Nottingham is an institute devoted to the discovery, enterprise and advancement of the human condition combined with a lifelong commitment to improved health and wellbeing. University of Nottingham houses the Food Innovation Centre, which allows them to connect and work [...]

Meet the Team2021-04-08T19:22:08+00:00



Want to find out a little more about the Digital Innovation Erasmus+ project and meet the partners who are making all of this possible then just keep reading… Our project has a strong and cross representational consortium involving 6 partners from 6 countries Meet the Team: University of Szczecin www.univ.szczecin.pl University Szczecin (US) has, in under 30 years, established itself as the leading HEI in West Pomerania, Poland. In total it has over 15,000 students in full-time, evening and part-time studies at 7 faculties, covering all areas of university education, including humanities, economics and business, law, exact and natural sciences, physical [...]

MEET THE TEAM2021-04-08T19:22:10+00:00

Meet the Team


Want to find out a little more about the CRS Ready Erasmus+ project and meet the partners who are making all of this possible then just keep reading… The Vision Works www.thevisionworks.de TVW GMbH (the vision works), are an owner-managed SME focussing on consulting for companies (esp. SMEs), StartUps, public organisatzions and NGOs. Special expertise ranges from Project and Change Management, Implementation of CSR-Strategies in SMEs, Crisis and Restructuring, Stakeholder Management up to Digitalization (Strategy and Programming). Thanks to an entrepreneurial, results-oriented approach, not only do The Vision Works develop strategies and concepts, but are available to customers for support the [...]

Meet the Team2021-04-08T19:22:12+00:00

Introduction to the Inclusion Through Mediation Project


Introduction to the Inclusion Through Mediation Project The Inclusion Through Mediation Project aims to empower learners, activists and migrants to become peer-to-peer mediators in their communities and their wider area, Mediation is known as an alternative conflict resolution tool, our aim is to empower community members to engage in peer to peer mediation which has been shown to lower society tensions. The Europe 2020 goals for a more inclusive Europe with higher social integration and community cohesion are more important than ever in light of increasing societal tension, linked to the economic crisis, immigration & refugee crisis and increasing multi-ethnicity communities [...]

Introduction to the Inclusion Through Mediation Project2021-04-08T19:22:14+00:00

Tourism Recovery introduction


Tourism Recovery introduction The consequences of the Covid-19 virus for the tourism industry in the EU cannot at present be accurately assessed – but it is clear, that they will be devastating. The tourism sector is especially vulnerable to crisis (Hall/Williams 2019). The Tourism Recovery project will enable Higher Education institutes to educate existing SMEs and future entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to gain the skills and tools needed to successfully navigate their business through a virulent crisis. They will be fully equipped with the knowledge and actionable tools to analyse the specific extent of crisis impact and develop suitable countermeasures [...]

Tourism Recovery introduction2021-04-08T19:22:16+00:00

Women and Leadership


“Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons” A powerful call to action captured within the pages of a book. Women make up fewer than ten percent of national leaders worldwide, and behind this eye-opening statistic lies a pattern of unequal access to power. Through conversations with some of the world’s most powerful and interesting women–including Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Michelle Bachelet, and Theresa May–“Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons” (on sale February 2nd, 2021 from The MIT PRESS), explores gender bias and asks why there aren’t more women in leadership roles. Speaking honestly and freely, these women [...]

Women and Leadership2021-04-08T19:22:18+00:00
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